( evino ) Customer Journey Map + Personas 

︎︎︎ My role: Product Design
︎︎︎ The challenge:
"How can we discover the best opportunities for all our customer profiles - and their journeys within ( evino )? And, with that, improve our services in general?"
︎︎︎ Segment:
︎︎︎ Tools:
Miro, Figma
︎︎︎ Year:

︎︎︎ Objectives:

︎︎︎ The process:
︎︎︎ Mapping of Internal Processes:
• Understanding the processes of each area and how they connect to each other
• Horizontal model: processes can happen at the same time

︎︎︎ Life Cycle:

︎︎︎ User Research:
Quantitative Research:
• Sending 5 different questionnaires directed to each cluster, within the scope of users defined previously
• General questions > Specific questions targeting each cluster
• 216 responses in total

Qualitative Research:
• Interviews were made on Google Meets, with average duration of 30 minutes
• General Questions > Specific Questions targeting each cluster
• 15 interviews in total

︎︎︎ Personas + Journey Map:

︎︎︎ Service Blueprint:


october @ 2021